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Strength - All you want, in terms of Strength, is enough of it to equip everything you will want to use on your character.Poor FCR breakpoints will force you to make some hard gear-related choices One of the best builds for clearing Baal Waves You can also check our other Diablo 2 Resurrected BuildsĮxtremely high AoE and Single-Target Damage output She is one of the fastest and the most universal end-game Magic Finding characters available. The following Magic Finding Lightning Fury Javazon build is one of the best characters for clearing large packs of enemies and high-health Bosses (Charged Strike's damage is on par with the damage of builds specialized in 1v1 combat), which makes it perfect for doing Hell Baal runs on increased /player difficulty level. Because of this, she is also a great choice for end-game Magic Finding (what she lacks in pure MF stat, she more than makes up for with her DPS). When properly geared, she is capable of dealing unbelievably high Lightning Damage in both single-target and AoE scenarios. Lightning Fury Javazon, despite her annoyingly high Faster Cast Rate Breakpoints (which are important for the Enigma's Teleport), is one of the most powerful end-game characters in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Amazon Magic Finding Build For Diablo 2 Resurrected

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